Controlling anger and staying away from sins in Ramadan
August 26th, 2012 in Articles, Quran, Ramadan with
Muslim community terms Ramadan as the month of blessings. Ramadan is the month in which the Holy Quran was revealed on the final messenger of Allah. Quran too is the final revelation of the Almighty God. Allah declares “learning self-restraint “to be the main purpose of this month in following verse:
“Fasting has been prescribed upon you as it was prescribed upon nations before you so that you may learn self-restraint“.

In the month of Ramadan Allah alters the rewards of our deeds. He rewards a Nafl prayer with the reward of an obligatory Farz prayer and increases the reward of a good deed seventy times. A person seeking forgiveness is granted forgiveness and Muslim community is rewarded with the day of Eid for keeping fasts throughout this month. However, abstaining from sins is just as important as committing good deeds.
Allah dislike sins and committing sins in the holy month of Ramadan is even more disliked. Committing a single sin in this month is equivalent to committing seventy sins in any other month. In this way Allah discourages believers from sins and at the same time Allah encourages them to seek forgiveness from their past sins. A hadith says “Whoever prayed at night in it (the month of Ramadan) out of sincere Faith and hoping for a reward from Allah, then all his previous sins will be forgiven.”
Furthermore, in this month Muslims are obliged to observe fasts. Fasting in Islam is not merely abstaining from food and drink; it is also abstaining from any wrongdoing, in general. If a Muslim does not anything from dawn till dusk but takes or any other haram activity Allah does not accepts his fast so when a believer keeps a fast he gets bound to keep himself away from sins. Not only, he has to avoid all haram activities but also control his temperament.
If a Muslim keeps a fast he cannot abusive or insulting language against anyone, also he cannot harm anyone by his hands if he does he violates the basic rules and regulations of the fast. Generally, any individual uses his hands against others when he is in angry so when Muslims keep a fast, they ought to control their anger. In this way fasting teaches Muslims to control their diet and anger thereby learning self-restraint.
In a nut shell, all sources of Islam clarify the fast that fasting makes all believers control their anger and remain away from sins. Allah has used fasting as a tool so that all believers learn self-restraint i.e. they learn to control themselves from evils and Allah gives Muslims several incentives so that they may start following the right path. The following hadith further clarifies the point; it says “One day of fasting keeps a person away from hell 80 years”.
Mashallah, Beautiful Quraan Kareem Wallpaper
August 23rd, 2012 in Quran with
Lail-at-ul-Qadr and Its Importance
August 14th, 2012 in Featured, Quran, Ramadan, Salah with
The holy month of Ramadan is so blessed with Allah’s mercy and forgiveness that every moment of this month carries huge significance. However, even in this entirely blessed month, there are a few nights which take the lead. One such night is the Lail-at-ul-Qadr. The Lail-at-ul-Qadr is arguable the most important and blessed night of the year in Islam.

It occurs in the third decade or Ramadan. The importance of this night can be understood from the fact that in the Holy Quran, a whole chapter (Surah 97, Al-Qadr) is dedicated to this night. In this chapter, Allah tells the Muslims that the importance of this night alone is greater than that of a thousand months. The verses of this chapter are stated below:
“We have indeed revealed this (Message) in the Night of Power: And what will explain to thee what the night of power is? The Night of Power is better than a thousand months. Therein come down the angels and the Spirit by Allah’s permission, on every errand: Peace!…This until the rise of dawn!”
The exact night on which Lail-at-ul-Qadr occurs cannot be given definitively. There are different views regarding the dates of the nights among which this night has to be found. The Sunni Muslims believe that Lail-at-ul-Qadr lies in the odd nights of the last decade of Ramadan. This means that according to them, Lail-at-ul-Qadr is either the 21st or the 23rd or the 25th or the 27th or the 29th night of this holy month. The general belief is that this night lies on the 27th night of Ramadan.
The Shia Muslims believe that this night lies in the last ten odd nights of Ramadan, but the general belief is regarding the 19th or the 21st or the 23rd night, because the relation of these nights with the martyrdom of Hazrat Ali (R.A).
What makes Lail-at-ul-Qadr so special among all the nights? Lail-at-ul-Qadr is also the night in which the Quran was revealed. Muslims unanimously believe that the revelation of Holy Quran concluded in two different stages, the first of which was the revelation of the whole Quran from Allah to angel Jibrail. This first stage was completed in this night. Muslims also believe that the first verses of the Holy Quran were revealed to Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) on this night.
Lail-at-ul-Qadr is known by various different names among Muslims. These names include the Night of Power, the Night of Measures, the Night of Value and the Night of Destiny. These names themselves suggest the significance associated with this night in Islam.
In view of the incredible importance of this night, Muslims engage themselves in worships and prayers all night. These prayers often seek Allah’s mercy and forgiveness, and ask Allah to grant the wishes of the believer.
June 7th, 2012 in Islamic Wallpapers, Quran with
Miraculous Nature of The Holy Quran
November 10th, 2011 in Quran with

This is the era when majority of our Muslim brothers have forgotten the actual worth of the Divine word of Allah – the Holy Quran. As is our belief that our God, our Creator, is the Invincible Almighty Allah, yet so much ignorance when it comes to reading out His word? The most apt reason, which became evident, is the lack of knowledge amongst the people, of what dwells within those Divine words, the miracles, the attributes and so on! The miracles are, no doubt, awe-inspiring and are an identity of how true the word of our Creator is!
“If mankind and the jinn were to gather together to produce the like of this Quran, they could never produce the like thereof, even if they backed up one another.” [Quran 17:88]
The proclamation that none can produce a similar script like the holy Quran is in itself a challenge, which none of the scholars or renowned men of any time could meet, neither could they amend it. As Allah promised that, it would stay in the same form as it is and this indeed is its miracle because all the other scripts (Taurat, Zaboor and Injeel) are now in full or partially amended forms.
Every prophet got a miracle in accordance to the expertise of the nation they were sent to, as Hazrat Moosa (A.S) was given a staff, which turned into a serpent because he was sent to a nation whose people were practiced in the art of black magic and the likes. Similarly, the holy Quran was sent to the Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) because the Arabs were known for their literary expressions.
The Quran, unlike the other of the miracles sent to other prophets, is still a living miracle for the whole of the human kind. The world seems highly advanced and inventive, yet most of the discoveries have been made by researching on this very divine Book! Yes, Our Holy Quran. There isn’t a single thing that exists in the world and isn’t mentioned in the Quran. Indeed, the Quran made us cross the dark period of ignorance, and made us follow up the route of pure humanity and love!
The quraan and its compatibility with modern science
October 20th, 2011 in Islam and Science, Quran with
First it is clear that science without religion is lame. This were the words of the famous physicist and Nobel Prize winner; Albert Einstein. It is therefore prudent to analyze the Quraan to find out whether it is compatible or incompatible to modern science. The Quraan is a book with several signs (more than 6000) of which more than a thousand deals with science.
Astronomy is widely covered by the Quran. Firstly, the creation of the universe by the “Big Bang “theory is captured in Al-Quran 21:30. The Big Bang theory is widely explained by the astrophysicists and supported by observational and data from experiments gathered by the astronomers and astrophysicists for several decades. There is a great congruence between the Quraanic verse and the Big Bang theory since the Quraan was a book written about 1400 years ago in the deserts of Arabia
Al-Quraan 41:11 also explains the formation of galaxies from a celestial matter that was in form of a gas. This implies huge gaseous matter were present prior to the formation of the galaxies. The word smoke is used in the Quraan to replace smoke.
The spherical shape of the earth is widely captured in the verse 31:29. From history it is documented that Sir Francis Drake was the first person who discovered that the earth is spherical when he did sail around it in 1597. The Quraan verse confirms this by quoting that God merges night into daylight and daylight into night. This brings out the aspect of the rotation of the earth which is a confirmation of the fact that the earth is a spherical body. This is also confirmed in verse 39:5 of the Al-Quraan. In verse 79:30 the Al-Quraan confirms that the earth was made in an egg-shape implying that it is spherical which a true confirmation of the modern scientific facts is.
The fact that the light of the moon is a reflected light is also captured in the verse 25:61 of the Al-Quraan. Science stated that the moonlight is reflected light. This is affirmed in Quraan where the constellations in the skies are mentioned alongside a lamp and a moon giving light. The fact was mentioned 1400 years ago: a proof of compatibility of the book and modern scientific facts. This is also brought out in the verse 71:15-16.
The verse 21:33 proves the fact that the earth and other bodies rotate around the sun in their own orbits as confirmed by the modern science. The rotation of the sun around its own axis is equally brought out. The sun usually have a circular motion once every 25 days that is to say the sun takes about 25 days to move around its own axis. The verse 36:40 also confirms this fact. The verse mentions the existence of the individual orbits of the sun and the moon and their motion within the space.
The Quraan also mentions facts captured in modern science in physics such as the existence of subatomic particles. In Geography aspects such as the water cycle which is usually explained in modern physics is explained. The fact that wind impregnates clouds is also highlighted in Quraan.
Geological facts such as mountains are fixed are also brought out in the book. Facts such as existence of barriers between sweet and salt waters and the existence of darkness in the depths of the depths of the ocean are some of the Oceanological facts highlighted in the Quraan. The book also covers other areas of modern science such as medicine, biology, zoology, botany, physiology, embryology among others and shows a highly degree of compatibility of the facts highlighted with the various disciplines of modern science.